The 7 Chakras

An extensive guide to the seven Chakras: What are Chakras? How do Chakras work and how to access them? The individual Chakra meanings explained.
Sacral Chakra Symbol

The Chakra System

What are Chakras?

More than four-thousand years ago, the ancient yogis of India described a second, more subtle nervous system that exists alongside our physical nervous system.

The yogic tradition claims that this “subtle anatomy”, as it is often referred to, consists of a network of 72,000 channels (in Sanskrit, ‘Nadi’, translated as ‘tube’ or ‘pipe’) that conduct an energetic life-force throughout our body. These energy channels form a tremendously ramified nerve-network and meet in seven major confluences.

It is these seven confluences that are called the “Chakras” in Sanskrit language. The word itself meaning “wheel” or “circles”, as the Chakras energetically appear to some as vortexes which ceaselessly spin clockwise. So, in essence, the Chakras are major meeting points within this subtle nerve-network and thus a central part of our subtle energetic system.

The Chakras – a global and intuitive phenomenon

Though we find the most detailed descriptions of the chakras in ancient Sanskrit scriptures the phenomenon of the Chakras is not at all limited to any single tradition but has been described and documented by many other ancient traditions as well, like ancient Egypt, mystical Judaism, Buddhism, several native American tribes and the Mayans.

Though the concept of Chakras might not seem common in our western culture, they are in fact deeply alive in our very experience right now and familiar to everybody as evidenced by a host of common expressions.

Everyone speaks of a “broken heart”, while if the heart would be scientifically dissected, we can be pretty sure it has remained physically intact. In the same way, people speak of “cold feet” or “shaky legs” (indication of the root Chakra), “butterflies in the stomach” (indication of the Sacral Chakra), pressure in the solar plexus (indication of the third Chakra) or suffocation in the throat (fifth Chakra).

Chakras are intuitive to us all, they are an intimate experience that resonates within our body, energetic system and emotional sphere at all times. We all feel the Chakras, we don’t need to think about them, which makes them such an exciting system of development, a universal tool to understand the human being and a powerful map of human development.

The seven Chakras

Most traditions describe seven major Chakras, that are lined up along and entwined around the central nerve-column called the “Sushumna” in Sanskrit. This main energetic channel of our body corresponds to our physical spinal cord and runs all the way from our coccyx to the very top of our head.

Along this channel, each of the seven Chakras energetically influences a certain region of the body and its related glands and organs but also our consciousness and several distinct emotional, mental and spiritual aspects.

Chakras operate just in between the physical and the spiritual. In fact, they serve as a mediator, a device that transforms the material into spiritual and the other way around. In this way, the Chakras are a meeting point of all possible levels of human existence – physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual.

This unique position makes them a powerful tool for personal growth and spiritual transformation, as all those levels can equally be accessed and transformed through the Chakras.

Chakra Definition

The Chakras are major confluences in our subtle energetic system. They serve as mediators between the energetic-spiritual and the physical, mental and emotional aspects of our being and influence all levels of human existence.


Chakra Points – The Chakra locations in the body

Some say that Chakras are a purely physical phenomenon and some, that they exist only on an invisibly energetic level. In both cases, all agree that each Chakra has a parallel physical location and that it governs not only the subtle nerve-confluence which surrounds it but also the physical nervous system around it – known as a “nerve plexus”.

Aside from nerves, each Chakra governs the organs and glands that exist in its region. That is why we can find many psychosomatic layers, which link known physical disorders to malfunctions within a Chakra. For this reason, healing Chakras and balancing Chakras can indirectly lead to a general well-being in its physical surroundings.

A chakra is known also to serve as an absorber of life-force (Prana), which is essential for any physical functioning. A weak activity of a Chakra means that very little life-force can reach this physical area, and so the physical might be insufficiently nourished and empowered.

For an exact descripton of the Chakra-Locations see our article: Chakra Points – the Chakra Locations in the body.

Chakra Physical Systems
Crown Chakra Nerve Plexus: –
Gland: Pineal gland
Organs: –
Third Eye Chakra Nerve Plexus: Carotid Plexus
Gland: Pituitary gland
Organs: eyes, ears, nose and brain
Throat Chakra Nerve Plexus: Cervical plexus
Gland: Thyroid
Systems/Organs: Throat, neck, mouth and jaws
Heart Chakra Nerve Plexus: Cardiac plexus
Gland: Thymus Gland
Systems/Organs: Heart and lungs, arms and hands
Solar Plexus Chakra Nerve Plexus: Solar plexus
Gland: Pancreas
Organs: Digestive system: stomach, liver, pancreas, bowels
Sacral Chakra Nerve Plexus: Lumbar Plexus
Gland: Reproductive glands
Organs: Sexual organs, kidneys and urinary system
Root Chakra Nerve Plexus: Sacral plexus
Adrenal Gland/Suprarenal Gland
Skeletal and muscular systems: spine, joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles (legs and knees in particular)

How do Chakras affect physical systems?

Many traditions, such as the Yogic tradition or the Chinese medicine system, were aware of this simple law: behind the physical well-being and even health, there is a system that regulates and monitors a subtler stream that we can call the “life-force”.

Life-force, termed by Yogis as “Prana” and by Chinese medicine “Chi”, is regulated and absorbed through what Yogis called “Nadis”, and what Chinese medicine called “Meridians”.

Since Chakras are the seven major confluences of these life-force conductors, a balanced Chakra would necessarily and significantly affect the nerve-system that surrounds it, as well as the glands and organs in its region.

When a Chakra is healthy, it transforms energy into vital nourishment that flows directly to this physical elements.


How do Chakras affect us emotionally and mentally?

A Chakras activity extends far beyond the energetic and the physical layers. This is where our mention of the “broken heart” re-enters the picture. The ancient Yogic tradition claims that the seven major Chakras are directly related to seven layers of human consciousness.

Since Chakras are just in between all levels of existence – the physical, the energetic, the emotional, the mental and the spiritual – they are linked to certain emotions, qualities, modes of thinking and feeling, and different states of consciousness, including the most spiritual ones.

Think of Chakras as the connector that makes all these realms converge and work together. This is why each Chakra covers a whole field of psychological themes and issues, and also why, when these psychological themes are resolved, the Chakra attains a state of improved functioning – just in the same way that the improved functioning of a Chakra brings about a relief in the psychic domain.

For example, if you heal and balance the heart Chakra, that heals and balances issues related to the heart, like disappointment, abandonment or a sense of betrayal in the field of relationships. At the same time, if you sincerely approach these topics and take care of them, the Chakra becomes a better energy conductor.

The ancient Yogis clearly mapped the Chakra system, not only as a set of energy devices but also as a psychological map that covers all imaginable emotional blockages and modes of behavior.

How are Chakras related to spiritual transformation?

To the psychological map, the Yogis also added the Chakras as a map of spiritual development: Chakras as a ladder of spiritual transformation and enlightenment, along which the human being climbs from the earthly to the heavenly, from the material to the spiritual, from the gross to the most sublime.

In this perspective, the root Chakra, the Sacral Chakra, and the solar plexus Chakra are the first steps along the ladder, and climbing them makes it possible for us to spiritually transcend many physical and material attachments, instincts, fears, and desires.

On the other hand, so this system says, when the spiritual aspirant reaches the highest steps, the third eye Chakra, and the Crown Chakra, one reaches spiritual enlightenment or liberation.

Chakra Meanings

Due to the distinct physical and mental-emotional aspects that are influenced by each Chakra, it is possible to describe each Chakras’ meaning for our overall health and emotional well-being.

Interestingly the psychological meaning of chakras corresponds very well with the famous and widespread concept of a “Hierarchy of Needs” as described by Abraham Maslow that beautifully describe the psychic processes of development within each of the Chakras.

Maslow created his model In 1943, in an attempt to show what motivates human beings in their search in the world. He believed that people were driven by the urge of fulfilling a succession of ascending physiological needs that were growing in refinement, just like in a pyramid model. His model begins with needs for safety and belonging and then progresses to needs of self-esteem, self-actualization and finally, even self-transcendence.

Through his model, Maslow intuitively captured the Chakra world, demonstrating how all of our needs – physical, instinctual, emotional, mental and spiritual – stem directly from these seven different layers of our being. Below you can find Maslow’s model alongside a corresponding Chakra-based model.

7 Chakras Meaning

Let us look at the individual Chakra meanings in some detail.

Root Chakra Meaning

The first Chakra [Sanskrit: Muladhara, in English “Root support”] located in the middle of the perineum, is the most foundational Chakra. It is associated with the earth element and our most physical and human aspects. As our instinctive center, the Root Chakra deals with our basic needs and instincts, such as survival, fear, and trust, and its main drive is to establish a solid sense of inner and outer security and stability.

Since our basic, most instinctual connection to life is our wish to feel safe and to experience need-fulfillment without interruption, any rejection of these basic needs causes a shock to the first Chakra and imprints in it a sense of existential tension and alertness. It is within the root Chakra that we learn how to make peace with the changing nature of life and begin to establish in us a more solid being that can withstand these changes.

Precisely because it is the lowest of the chakras it is of enormous importance: it is the very foundation of both our physical life, our general sense of safety and wellbeing, and our spiritual evolution.

To learn more about the root chakra, visit our in-depth article: Root Chakra

Sacral Chakra Meaning

The second Chakra, also known as the “Sacral Chakra” (Sanskrit: Svadhisthana, in English “One’s own dwelling place”), is located in the area of the pubic bone, just above the genitals. It is associated with the element of water and with our basic sense of liveliness, joy, and enthusiasm. As such it still addresses a level of basic connection to life, but this time – the subtler level which determines our relationship to life’s joy and enjoyment.

As our sensual center, the Sacral Chakra deals with our relationship with issues of pleasure and enjoyment but also addiction and depression. Its main drive is to allow us to deeply and intensely experience life as the movement of energy in us in the form of sensation, emotion, and sensuality. Its level of functioning also determines the flow of the creative force through us and thus is it also deeply related to our creative potential in life.

The joy of life offered to us through pleasures and experiences can become a complex matter, as it also involves pain and disappointment. Through the Sacral Chakra, we learn how to form a deeper connection to life’s joy, which does not get interrupted constantly by inevitable pain and disappointment. Just like with the first Chakra, we learn how to internalize the very experience of joy and enjoyment and become increasingly independent from the ups and downs of life.

To learn more about the Sacral chakra, visit our in-depth article: Sacral Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra Meaning

The third Chakra (in Sanskrit: Manipura, “City of Jewels”) is located in the solar plexus and d deals with the development and integration of our sense of individual power, will and identity. It is associated with the fire element and is where we derive from our energy, determination, and sense of capability for our ambitious endeavors in life. As our willing center, the Solar Plexus Chakra gradually consolidates an integrated sense of self – a  fully formed perception of who we are – as well as a unified will. Its main drive is to answer the question: “Who am I as a person and what do I want?” In its weakened state, it brings up issues such as helplessness and fear of failure.

In the solar plexus Chakra we learn how to shape external events as well as our own fate, through our will, determination and ambition, and to give shape to our individual expression – while at the same time, make sure we know when we should accept and let go. It is in the third Chakra that we learn how to crystalize and strengthen our very sense of “I”.

To learn more about the Solar Plexus chakra, visit our in-depth article: Solar Plexus Chakra

Heart Chakra Meaning

The fourth Chakra or Heart Chakra (Sanskrit: Anahata, in English: “unbeaten”) is located at the lower center of the chest. It is associated with the air element and determines the quality of emotional exchange and sharing between us and all others.

The Heart Chakra is where we develop and mature the sphere of our relationships. Since life by nature is all about relationships between “me” and other people, “me” and the universe, “me” and my body and even “me” and myself, we learn here how to develop qualities such as caring, sensitivity, acceptance and true love towards all those “others”.  We learn how to shift from immature feelings of separation, such as loneliness, rejection, and abandonment, towards taking responsibility for others and coming out of our own self-concern.

As our emotional center, the heart Chakra deals with emotional dependency and disappointment versus generosity and openness to love unconditionally. Its main drive is to develop an unbreakable connection through feeling to our soul and to the greater web of life. In essence, it seeks to realize true love, at first outside oneself and gradually deep within oneself.

To learn more about the Heart chakra, visit our in-depth article: Heart Chakra

Throat Chakra Meaning

The fifth Chakra, or Throat Chakra (in Sanskrit, Visuddha; in English “the purifier”), is located at the base of the throat. It is associated with the element of ether and it is the one that determines the level and intensity of our expression and visibility in the outer world.

The Throat Chakra is where we learn how to give a proper expression to our inner world and how to make visible our dreams and visions. This Chakra is like a door, separating our inner world from the outer world. When the door is too closed and immovable, we have a sense of having our authentic unique voice and expression stuck and buried deep inside. It is through the throat Chakra that we learn how to be ourselves in the world, and to follow through our innermost beliefs and convictions. We make ourselves seen and properly heard.

As our communication center, the throat Chakra deals with issues such as truthfulness and honesty, the manifestation of visions and dreams, right speech and right action, influence and charisma. Its main drive is to look for the ideal and most authentic expression and fulfillment of one’s innermost being – by translating in the best way it could the hidden language of our inner world into a clear outer manifestation.

To learn more about the Throat chakra, visit our in-depth article: Throat Chakra

Third-eye Chakra Meaning

The 6th Chakra, or the Third Eye Chakra (in Sanskrit, Ajña, which means “Command” or “monitoring center”), is located in the forehead above the meeting point of the two eyebrows. It is associated with the element of light, and it deals with the development of clarity and wisdom in our perception of the inner and outer worlds.

As our thinking center, it deals with issues such as discrimination and final judgment, knowledge and intelligence, higher guidance, and intuition, context, and interpretation. On the other hand, it brings up issues of confusion and inner contradiction. Its role in determining what is reality and what is an illusion is crucial. Its main drive is to look for the most reliable source of knowledge and wisdom, as one’s source of solid truth.

While at its most unbalanced condition, it could be a platform for any thought and idea and any contradiction and confusing, opposing inner forces, in its brightest state it becomes the leader and governor of our inner world, showing us which thought to follow and which feeling should be listened to. It is through the third-eye Chakra that we develop our meditative wakefulness and attention to such a degree that our conviction and knowing cannot be swayed by fleeting doubts and random emotions.

To learn more about the Third-eye Chakra, visit our in-depth article: Third Eye Chakra

Crown Chakra Meaning

The seventh Chakra, or the Crown Chakra (in Sanskrit, Sahasrara; translated as “thousand-petaled”), is located at the center of the top of the head. It is associated with the element of pure light, and it is where we find our higher urge to self-transcendence, loss of ego-boundaries and connection with the infinite source of life.

The Crown Chakra is the culmination of the Chakra System and the other end of the Root Chakra. As such, It deals with our “other” roots: those spiritual roots that connect us to life’s infinite, unknowable mystery. As long as we do not connect to this mystery, we get stuck in only our individual expression as well as in our mortal, transient form. The seventh Chakra offers us the realization of bliss and liberation that are inherent in our limitless nature and origin.

As our spiritual center, it deals with the thin boundaries separating our individual “I” from the entire cosmos. When awakened, it leads to unity consciousness, limitlessness, and enlightenment. Its main drive is to return to one’s original spiritual nature and home and to find a final release from illusion and earthly bondage and identification.

To learn more about the Crown chakra, visit our in-depth article: Crown Chakra

Chakra Colors

One of the more traditional ways to access the Chakras is by meditating or focusing on the colors related to each of them.

The link between the Chakras and their specific colors is much more than mere symbolism. In fact, it is the result of a profound meditation done by the Rishis (ancient seers) of India. The Rishis revealed through their own direct experience that the seven chakras perfectly corresponded with the exact order of what is now known as the primary colors of the visible light spectrum.

When we shine pure white light through a crystal or if we look at a rainbow, the white light divides into its primary colors. Each of these colors corresponds to a certain wavelength of light, a frequency of energy.

In light of this, we could say that each color seems to have a certain physical wavelength that affects our body and psyche in a unique way. Accordingly, the colors appear in the chakra system in an ascending order of their wavelength – starting with the lowest frequency in the first Chakra up to the highest frequency in the crown Chakra.

To learn more about Chakra colors, see our detailed article on the topic: Chakra Colors

This is how our very own subtle energetic structure matches Newton’s spectrum of visible light:

crown chakra symbol

Crown Chakra

The violet-white light Chakra.

Third Eye Chakra Symbol

Third Eye Chakra

The indigo Chakra

Throat Chakra Symbol

Throat Chakra

The blue Chakra

Heart Chakra Symbol

Heart Chakra

The green Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra Symbol

Solar Plexus Chakra

The yellow Chakra

Sacral Chakra Symbol

Sacral Chakra

The orange chakra

Root Chakra Symbol

Root Chakra

The red chakra

How can I access my Chakra system?

There are many ways to approach and connect to the Chakras. Here are the main ones:

  1. Chakra Meditation
    There exist a host of different ways to meditate with the Chakras. The most basic ones work through connecting to the symbolic and visual characteristics of a Chakra. Each of the seven Chakras is said to be related to one major color, a geometric structure, a natural element, a certain sound (what is called a “seed-mantra”), and even a certain sense. Meditating on all these can evoke our connection to the Chakra.
  2. Energetic Work
    Different forms of energy work, breathwork and visualizations can directly activate the chakras energetically. Also connecting to the basic energetic and emotional qualities can do the same.
  3. Emotional-psychological work
    Since each Chakra contains a certain set of psychological themes and challenges, approaching such themes and challenges could at once create a resonance within the Chakra. Dealing with stuck an unprocessed emotion directly influences the Chakra and is the main part of Chakra healing.
  4. Resonance
    As the Chakras are a universal phenomenon, many traditions describe the Chakras to be in resonance with various physical means that are related to each Chakra and that can stimulate it, such as incense, food, physical postures, animals, plants, crystals, and stones. That makes this system of self-development highly approachable for all.

The more one becomes knowledgeable of the system, the more one can actually become aware in real time of the way certain Chakras responds in certain circumstances to certain challenges. In this way, people gradually learn how to work directly, moment to moment, with their Chakras, and also how to find the right approach to each challenge in life.

The seven Chakras as a map of human development

The Chakras not only beautifully describe the human being in all its aspects, they are also a perfect map of human development. In fact, the Chakras are the most complete, easy-to-get and accessible system of self-development one could ever imagine. It is because unlike many theories and concepts, Chakras can be quite immediately traced in our direct experience. This makes them an incredibly intuitive and easy system to learn.

In this way, the Chakras can become our best evolutionary friend, helping us understand every step on our way and providing us with an inner map with which we can easily navigate through the ups and downs of our inner and outer process.

The seven Chakras are a clear outline of all levels of human existence and development – beginning with the most worldly levels of instinct, impulse and our basic relationship with life on earth, and culminating in our most refined layers of higher mental faculties and connection with the infinite source of life.

In this, they capture our journey of transcendence along which we overcome the limitations and inhibitions of our most basic and primitive responses to life and eventually, attain spiritual states of being which demonstrate fearlessness, unconditional love and a vast and expanded sense of self.

Healing, balancing and opening the Chakra system mark major stations and phases in our emotional maturation, the crystallization of our wisdom of life, as well as our spiritual progress. It is through the Chakra system that we have the opportunity to transform and to become an awakened spirit in human form.

Working with the Chakras

Chakras are not only a map of personal growth and spiritual evolution but also incredibly powerful tools of self-diagnosis and transformation.

The journey of each chakra commonly follows a path from a blocked or dysfunctional state to ever more balanced and expanded states. Often this is referred to as “opening” the Chakras, while it is quite obvious that a Chakra can never be truly closed, as this would have grave physical consequences. Nonetheless, the metaphor still holds true as the Chakras indeed expand and open energetically.

To better understand how to work with your chakras, it is helpful to clarify a few terms that are often used in this context. In practice, different people might have different interpretations of these terms, but here are some quite commonly accepted definitions:

Chakra Blockage

Impaired function of the Chakra due to emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual factors. The Chakra is dense or “cramped down” and thus not properly conducting energy.

Chakra Balancing

Restoring an optimal, relaxed and peaceful state of the Chakra at the current developmental level.

Chakra Healing

Resolving deep emotional issues that are energetically stored in the Chakra.

Chakra Opening

Developing, expanding and refining the qualities and capabilities of a chakra to a higher level.

Let us look in detail, what this means in practical terms.


What is a blocked Chakra?

Since Chakras exist just in the middle point between spirit and matter, at the energetic level of human existence, they can easily become clogged or dense due to material, as well as emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual factors.

The optimal activity of the Chakras can be hindered by diet, stressful environment, electromagnetic disturbances, inner issues triggered by certain circumstances, unconscious material that one is even unaware of, and the Chakra condition of one’s partner.

This intense sensitivity of the Chakras is actually a blessing because a Chakra can teach us how to be aware of many factors that can affect our general well-being, the flow of life-force and happiness.

However, the most important factor that determines the optimal functioning of each Chakra is how much we are resolved in relation to its themes and challenges. If we are at peace and in silence in the field of the Chakra themes and challenges, the other factors can influence it – but not bring it out of balance.

Physical Symptoms of a blocked Chakra

When a certain Chakra is clogged or overloaded, its rotation slows down and it sends a far smaller amount of energetic nourishment to the physical systems that surround it.

This brings about symptoms that express insufficient life-force nourishment. For example, difficult digestion caused by a third Chakra overload, or difficult breathing caused by a Heart Chakra density.

Another type of physical symptoms can express an excessive activity of a Chakra, which brings about symptoms that are anxiety-related and hyperactive, such as irritable bowel syndrome, caused by an agitated third Chakra, or body trembling and shaking caused by a first Chakra nervousness.

Psychological and spiritual Symptoms of a blocked Chakra

In addition to Chakras’ effect on physical well-being, Chakras are also the hidden cause of our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

When a Chakra operates in an optimal and harmonious way, it at once induces and enables a certain state of consciousness, that is characterized by silence, peace, harmony and inner integration. This is the “balanced” state of the Chakra.

The state of our sixth Chakra, for example, crucially determines the level of clarity in our perception and understanding. A healthy fifth Chakra makes the flow of our communication with the world dramatically more spontaneous, unselfconscious, attentive and friendly.

Of course, it is a matter of the “chicken and the egg”, since bringing a Chakra to balance involves also a wholesome mental, emotional and spiritual response to its challenges. However, any act of Chakra balancing can affect immediately the way we think about the world, the way we feel about ourselves and the way we relate to everyone around us.

What is Chakra Balancing?

Energetically speaking, a Chakra imbalance is a condition in which the life-force and inner flow of a Chakra are hindered. This is usually due to factors that create an overload within the Chakra.

Every Chakra has its own “enemies”. Mostly, these enemies are emotions and thoughts that indicate an unresolved relationship with the Chakra’s themes and challenges. This condition of agitated thoughts, emotions, and feelings prevents the Chakra from attaining a balanced state of peace and silence.

Balancing Chakras can either have a momentarily or permanent effect. Momentarily, many types of meditation – and even simple acts of relaxation, including music – can bring Chakras to balance, meaning, a state of peace, silence and an uninterrupted flow of life-force.

However, to achieve a permanent Chakra balance you will need to go through all of its central themes and challenges until you become nearly perfectly undisturbed by external conditions and pressures.

To find out more about helpful techniques for balancing your Chakras, head to our Section on Chakra-Balancing.

What is Chakra Healing?

Any Chakra stores within it deeper emotional wounds. Some, called by the Yogis “Samskaras”, are deeply buried and some are more evident. These wounds become the unconscious and hidden cause of our surface emotions, thoughts and reactions to the world around us.

In this, Chakra healing is an invitation to bring to deep resolution our deepest, sometimes forgotten, memories and impressions.

Chakra healing often takes us on a journey into dark, untreated corners of ourselves. This may be difficult to tap into such buried layers stored within the Chakras, and yet this is a necessary act if we ever wish to bring a Chakra to a balance and as a result, to bring ourselves to a state of genuine and lasting inner peace.

To learn more on how to heal chakras, visit our in depth resource on Chakra Healing. (coming soon)

What is Chakra Opening?

While a balanced Chakra means that a Chakra is psychologically – emotionally and mentally – undisturbed, an open Chakra implies even more than general well-being and peace.

Opening a Chakra means developing its energetic and spiritual capacities and qualities. The process of opening, more related to a Chakra’s higher faculties, is caused by more refined activities, such as meditation, practices of awareness and striving to attain the higher states of consciousness that lie dormant in the Chakra.

In opening a Chakra one wakes up the spiritual energy and awareness that is its highest potential. In this, a Chakra opening becomes a crucial step on the ladder of our spiritual development and transformation.

If you want to learn how to open your chakras, visit our Chakra Opening Section. (coming soon)

Chakra Meditation

Apart from working directly with life and our psychological wounds, Chakra Meditation and Chakra Energy Work are the most powerful tools of evolving our Chakras. In fact, it is to be highly recommended to practice Chakra Meditations alongside and psychological work, as this can dramatically support an ease the process.

Chakra meditations are all those forms of meditation practices developed by the different traditions that directly correlate with a Chakra’s themes and qualities. Every meditation is a form of self-work with our own awareness.

Through meditation, we learn how to train ourselves to achieve heightened states of awareness and to sustain them. But each Chakra holds within it a different meditative experience and potential. When we meditate in a way suitable for the Chakra, it in response releases it’s heightened spiritual awareness.

For example, Heart Chakra meditations are deeply related to the spiritual experience of the interconnectedness of all things. When we meditate, focusing on this level of reality, our Heart Chakra opens.

Thus, Chakra opening can be significantly benefited by the proper Chakra meditations and to understand how different meditations affect different chakras provides us with a powerful toolbox of techniques to balance, heal and open our Chakras.

If you want to learn how to meditate for your Chakras, click this Link to our section on Chakra Meditation.

Chakra Personality Types

While all seven Chakras are always active in us, each human being is a unique soul and individuality. Just as our individuality expresses itself on the physical level, it also does on the energetic level. Human beings have different patterns of activity in the Chakras as some Chakras are more active than others. This means that we tend to express ourselves and to experience the world much more in the light of the qualities that these most active Chakras represent.

If we understand each Chakra to be a sort of an energetic sense-organ we begin to realize that each Chakra offers a different lens or perspective through which we experience a very different aspect of reality. Each Chakra offers a unique perspective on the world that has its own type of meaning, happiness, fulfillment, and values.

So it becomes obvious that our unique Chakra-makeup has a lot of influence on how we experience the outer reality, how we express in the world and how we relate to life. As this  shapes our identity and personality, an understanding of our dominant Chakras can actually reveal much of the basic underlying patterns in our personality and can help to navigate life and find our way to more purpose, fulfillment, and expression of our unique individuality and gifts.

Depending on which Chakras are more active and dominant, we all share different traits that can be described as what has been termed different “Chakra Personality Types”. The Chakra Personality Types are an exciting system of self-development since it is grounded in an actual energetic reality and it is highly intuitive to understand. Knowing your Chakra Personality Type can help you to align your life with your authentic self in very direct and practical ways.

To learn more about Chakra Personality Types follow the link our Introduction to Chakra Personality Types.



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